AD(H)S in women and the role of the menstrual cycle
AD(H)S in women and the role of the menstrual cycle What is it about AD(H)S affects many people, but the disorder often manifests differently in women than in men. Women are often undiagnosed for longer because the symptoms can be more subtle or different. Of particular interest is how the menstrual cycle influences the symptoms: the female cycle has a [...]
ADHD in focus: Holistic paths to a balanced life
Yin - Your life flow What is it about? Do you feel addressed when you read the following? Chaos in your head, being driven and listless at the same time, constantly on the move, quickly distracted and having difficulty concentrating, depressive mood swings? Or do you already struggle with ADHD yourself and are still looking for a way to achieve more balance? ADHD not only affects children, [...]