Speaker Webinar
holistic health advisor, thyroid practitioner
Hormones/ Body/ Thyroid gland/ Metabolism

Our thyroid gland: small organ, big effect!

A Zimply Natural Webinar with Franziska Mager

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Franziska Mager

holistic health advisor, expert for micronutrients, thyroid practitioner, in training as alternative practitioner

Franziska Mager is a holistic health consultant, expert in micronutrients, thyroid practitioner according to Dr. Berndt Rieger and is currently in training to become an alternative practitioner. The focus of her work is on the hormone and energy system.

Our thyroid gland: small organ, big effect!


Do you know this too? Do you have cold hands and feet all the time? Do you hardly feel warm at all? Your energy level has been better before? You are gaining weight and don't know why? Your digestion doesn't work as you would like it to and your concentration is slowly decreasing?

There may be one cause behind all these symptoms - hypothyroidism!
Franziska Mager is a trained thyroid practitioner and takes you on a journey to your butterfly organ - the thyroid gland - in this webinar.

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Questions and answers about the webinar

For all those who want to take their health to a new level and are open to new impulses.
The webinar will last approximately 60 minutes. We try to time all of our webinars around this time frame.
Immediately after your registration you will receive a confirmation email that your registration was successful. After your registration you can go directly to the webinar and start. You can watch the webinar on your computer, tablet or cell phone. If you have any problems or questions, just send us an email to: kontakt@zimplynatural.de
You can restart the webinar using the link we sent you by email after registration.

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