A woman head outline filled with a picture with a tree and sunset
portrait of katharina weber smiling with pink suit and gray background
Life Coach & Reiki Master
Balance/ Healing/ Body/ Mental health/ Personality/ Anti-Stress

Personal Development - Discover your personal map for more joy, lightness, balance, and well-being

A Zimply Natural Webinar with Katharina Weber

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Katharina Weber

Life Coach & Reiki Master

Katharina worked for many years as a key account manager, executive and coach in the HR consulting industry. After very successful years in her position, at some point she followed her inner voice and made the decision to become self-employed. As a self-employed Life Trust Coach® and Reiki Master, Katharina has now also been living her passion for mental health, inner balance and personal development professionally for several years. With her workshops, lectures, Reiki treatments and retreats, Katharina helps people to be happy, healthy and fulfilled and to develop their full potential. For more joy, lightness, energy and inner balance in everyday life.

Personal development: Discover your personal map for more joy, lightness, balance and well-being

What is it about

We all want to be happy and healthy, feel good and enjoy the good things in life. But what makes us happy in the first place? What do we do to stay healthy? What do we need to feel good? And above all HOW?

In our hectic and fast-paced world and stressful everyday life, we often neglect the most important thing in our lives: ourselves.

For this, the webinar gives you time and space and supports you in gaining more clarity about your inner map and gives you valuable impulses for the practical implementation of your findings in everyday life. For more joy, ease and well-being.

Useful approaches for your everyday life

What you take with you

A woman head outline filled with a picture with a tree and sunset

Our Approach & Focus

The webinars of Zimply Natural

TOP Expert:inside

Zimply Natural offers you webinars from top experts on holistic health of body, mind & soul.

Plants & Nature

You get tips around plants and natural approaches for gentle but lasting improvement

Body, Mind & Soul

There is more to health than physical integrity. Body, mind & soul are at the center


Questions and answers about the webinar

For all those who want to take their health to a new level and are open to new impulses.
The webinar will last approximately 60 minutes. We try to time all of our webinars around this time frame.
Immediately after your registration you will receive a confirmation email that your registration was successful. After your registration you can go directly to the webinar and start. You can watch the webinar on your computer, tablet or cell phone. If you have any problems or questions, just send us an email to: kontakt@zimplynatural.de
You can restart the webinar using the link we sent you by email after registration.

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