Naturally against PCOS - Polycystic ovary syndrome

Woman holding a model of a uterus in front of her. Signs of PCOS and more can be seen on the uterus.

PCOS is a term that some people have probably never heard of. It is the abbreviation for the complicated term "polycystic ovary syndrome" and refers to a hormonal disorder that brings with it many restrictions. Among other things, it can affect fertility and lead to insulin resistance. In this blog post, we reveal some natural tips and [...]

Fighting chickenpox naturally - dealing with varicella

Healthy children without chickenpox run along a meadow towards the sun

Small red blisters and incredible itching - that describes chickenpox very well. Some people remember it from kindergarten, others may still have small white scars from it. There's probably one thing everyone can agree on: it's really hard not to scratch the blisters with all that itching. Whether it's your [...]