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Blog About Naturopathy & Spagyric
Naturopathy for dogs: home remedies and medicinal plants for intestinal health, fleas and arthrosis
Treating hypertension naturally: Ways to lower blood pressure and prevention
Naturopathy for animals: The healing powers of nature
Lowering cholesterol naturally - home remedies and herbal alternatives
Naturopathy for dogs: home remedies and medicinal plants for intestinal health, fleas and arthrosis
The health of our dogs is very important to us, and more and more dog owners are looking for natural and holistic approaches to caring for their four-legged friends. Naturopathy for dogs offers a variety of gentle but effective methods to improve the health and well-being of your...
high blood pressure, arterial hypertension, blood pressure, hypertension, lower blood pressure naturally, apple, radish, garlic, cuff blood pressure measurement, medication
Treating hypertension naturally: Ways to lower blood pressure and prevention
Table of contents What is high blood pressure or arterial hypertension? Causes and risk factors of high blood pressure Symptoms and complications of high blood pressure Natural methods to reduce high blood pressure Medicinal plants and alternative therapies FAQ: Questions and answers about high blood pressure...
Naturopathy for animals: The healing powers of nature
Two dogs, a cat and a small animal enjoy the animal community and represent the topics of naturopathy and phytotherapy in veterinary medicine.
Heart-shaped bowl with vegetables, apple
Lowering cholesterol naturally - home remedies and herbal alternatives
Lowering cholesterol naturally: Effective home remedies, natural remedies and dietary tips to reduce your cholesterol levels without medication. Read now!
Woman sitting on an armchair in front of her laptop, laughing
Working healthily: Natural tips against presenteeism
Sick at work - you know it's bad, but everyone has done it at some point. But when you get to work, you usually think to yourself: Why didn't I stay at home? What's more, on days like this you're...
Sign with the term wellness, most common diseases
Against flu, gastritis, etc. - tips for the most common illnesses
Table of contents Fighting the flu naturally - home remedies and other tips Natural relief for COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease How to relieve your asthma symptoms naturally Natural relief for rheumatism with home remedies With these tips, you can relieve your gastritis...
Woman lying on a lawn with a hat over her face and sunbathing. Avoid sun allergy
Treating sun allergy naturally - home remedies for light dermatosis
We've probably all been there: you're on vacation and have a nice day at the beach. Then in the evening you suddenly discover a red sheen on your skin. But what is it when this rash appears in many small dots?
Woman holding a model of a uterus in front of her. Signs of PCOS and more can be seen on the uterus.
Naturally against PCOS - Polycystic ovary syndrome
PCOS is a term that some people have probably never heard of. It is the abbreviation for the complicated term "polycystic ovary syndrome" and refers to a hormonal disorder that brings with it many restrictions. Among other things, it can affect the...
Healthy children without chickenpox run along a meadow towards the sun
Fighting chickenpox naturally - dealing with varicella
Small red blisters and incredible itching - that describes chickenpox very well. Some people remember it from kindergarten, others may still have small white scars from it. There is probably one thing that everyone can agree on:...
Woman sits on couch and has an asthma cough attack
Natural ways to control asthma - your spray without cortisone
Asthma - everyone has heard of it, and some people may even suffer from it. The chronic respiratory disease that can make your life difficult and sometimes literally take your breath away. But what are the triggers for...
Woman sitting smiling on bed with glass in hand. Without adenomyosis pain.
Adenomyosis and endometriosis: what are the differences?
Adenomyosis - a subtype of endometriosis and just as painful. The disease in which your uterine walls thicken, making your periods all the more painful. But what is the difference to endometriosis and what are the possible risk factors for the disease?
A woman holds her head due to migraine headaches
Relieve migraines: Natural home remedies and everyday adjustments
You probably know the situation: the weather has changed and you have another headache. But is it a normal headache or is it a migraine? We reveal how you can recognize this and which natural home remedies can help you...

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