Table of contents
- Fighting the flu naturally - home remedies and other tips
- Natural relief for COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- How you can relieve your asthma symptoms naturally
- Natural relief for rheumatism with home remedies
- You can relieve your gastritis naturally with these tips
- Alternative treatment methods for back pain
- Natural treatment for GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Natural home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Natural help for anxiety disorders
Fighting the flu naturally - home remedies and other tips
The flu is caused by various influenza viruses. It is mainly spread by droplet infection when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. However, the viruses can also be transmitted by touching contaminated surfaces.
Symptoms and risk groups
Typical symptoms of the flu are sudden high fever, dry cough, sore throat, headache and muscle aches, tiredness, cold and chills. The fever can refer to an elevated temperature, but can also rise to temperatures above 38°C. These symptoms can vary from person to person and change as the illness progresses. In some cases, especially in children, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting may also occur. You should know that the symptoms can be very similar to those of a cold. However, the flu is usually more severe and can lead to more serious complications. The risk groups are mainly older people, pregnant women, children and people with weakened immune systems.
Natural home remedies
There are a few home remedies that can help to alleviate your symptoms. Our first tip is obvious, but very important: sufficient fluid intake. You should also keep to bed rest. You can try a honey and lemon mixture to relieve sore throats, while ginger tea can have an anti-inflammatory effect. To soothe your throat, you can gargle with warm salt water; steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil can help to clear your nasal passages. Other tips include traditional chicken soup and vitamin-rich foods such as oranges and kiwis. Essential oils such as peppermint or eucalyptus oil can also help to relieve coughs and open up the airways.
These medicinal plants are in your flu spray
Hydrargyrum bichloratum
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
Natural relief for COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The best-known cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the Smoking. It doesn't matter whether you are an active smoker or a passive smoker, the decisive factor is long-term contact with cigarette smoke. Due to its many toxic substances, tobacco smoke leads to inflammation and damage to the alveoli and airways. This causes increased mucus production and inflammation as well as swelling of the mucous membranes. Ultimately, these processes lead to a narrowing of the bronchial tubes, which impairs the body's oxygen supply. In rare cases, genetics can play a role, as in the case of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, an enzyme that protects the lungs.
The most common symptoms of COPD include: persistent cough, sputum production, increased mucus production, shortness of breath, chest tightness, weight loss, sleep problems and muscle weakness.
Natural home remedies
To support your medical therapy, there are some Natural approachesthat can alleviate your symptoms. A balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean protein and wholegrain products can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. People with COPD should consciously pay attention to abdominal breathing, as this, in contrast to chest breathing, ventilates the whole lung. One of the most tried and tested breathing exercises is the lip brake. In this exercise, you exhale with your lips slightly open, which creates a higher exhalation resistance. This can reduce the constriction of the airways during exhalation.
These medicinal plants are in your COPD spray
Kalium sulfuricum
Potassium chloratum
Heart Seeds
True sage
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
How you can relieve your asthma symptoms naturally
The exact causes of Asthma have unfortunately not yet been fully researched, but there are a number of factors that play a role. These include genetic factors and various environmental influences. Asthma occurs more frequently in families with a history of asthma or allergies. Environmental factors include allergens such as pollen, animal dander, house dust mites and mold spores. These can trigger inflammation in the airways. Other risk factors for asthma are frequent respiratory infections, air pollution and tobacco smoke.
Symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, a nagging cough and shortness of breath, especially on exertion or at night. Shortness of breath occurs when your airways become inflamed and constricted, as this affects the flow of air in and out of your lungs. Another common symptom is the Irritant cough. It is also triggered by the inflammation and constriction of the airways and can be particularly bad at night. The cough is usually dry and can occur in attacks, especially if you are exposed to allergens or cold air.
Natural home remedies
To relieve these symptoms, you can try various measures, such as steam inhalation. For this, fill a container with hot, non-boiling water and add tea bags or eucalyptus/peppermint essential oil. This can help to moisten the airways and loosen mucus. The all-rounder ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect. You can prepare it as a tea by pouring hot water over fresh ginger and sweetening it with honey. Turmeric can also have anti-inflammatory properties and soothe the airways. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in high concentrations in fish oil, linseed and walnuts, can also reduce inflammation. Breathing exercises such as the lip-braking method can help you with shortness of breath. In this exercise, you exhale with your lips slightly open, which creates a higher exhalation resistance. This can reduce the constriction of the airways during exhalation.
These medicinal plants are in your asthma spray
Grape aralia
Annual mugwort
Heart Seeds
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
Natural relief for rheumatism with home remedies
Rheumatic diseases cannot be inherited directly, but are rather the result of the interaction of several environmental factors. These are, for example, infections or exposure to pollutants and smoking. Autoimmune processes are another important aspect of rheumatism. In these processes, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissue, leading to inflammation and joint pain. Some risk factors for rheumatism are obesity, diabetes, lack of exercise and smoking. Smoking not only increases the risk of developing the disease, but can also worsen the course of rheumatism.
The symptoms of rheumatism can be very varied and range from joint pain and stiffness to swelling and inflammation. These symptoms can significantly affect your quality of life and make daily activities difficult.
Natural home remedies
There are a number of measures that may help to alleviate your pain. These include cold compresses or warm baths and compresses, which can reduce pain and inflammation. Here you need to try things out and listen to your body. Herbal teas, which are best consumed regularly, can also have a pain-relieving effect. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also have anti-inflammatory properties.
These medicinal plants are in your rheumatism spray
White birch
Heart Seeds
Lemon balm
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
You can relieve your gastritis naturally with these tips
A Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining and can be triggered by various causes. One of the most common triggers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can affect the mucous layer of the stomach and cause inflammation. An autoimmune reaction in your body can also lead to gastritis if the immune system mistakenly attacks the cells of the stomach lining. In addition, factors such as the Reflux diseasetaking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol and nicotine consumption and stress can irritate the stomach lining.
The symptoms of gastritis are varied and can differ from person to person. However, there are some typical effects of gastritis, such as abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, increased belching, bloating and loss of appetite. In some cases, there may also be bleeding in the stool or vomit.
Natural home remedies
You can do a lot to alleviate gastritis with your diet. Try to eat easily digestible foods such as chicken breast, fish, eggs, tofu and cooked vegetables such as potatoes and carrots. Fresh fruit such as bananas, apples and pears can also be beneficial. Low-fat dairy products, well-tolerated cereals such as rice and quinoa and low-fat soups are also recommended. The miracle cure ginger can also soothe the stomach and help with nausea. On the other hand, you should avoid hot spices as well as fatty and hard-to-digest foods.
These medicinal plants are in your gastritis spray
Wormwood herb
Bolus alba
Real chamomile
Natrium phosphoricum
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
Alternative treatment methods for back pain
Back pain have become a widespread disease and can have many different causes and occur in various forms. Triggers include muscle tension, intervertebral disc problems, incorrect posture, lack of exercise, overloading or even injuries.
Back pain can cause many symptoms, ranging from localized pain in the back to stiff movements and muscle tension. This pain can also radiate to other areas of the body and be accompanied by numbness. Everyday activities such as moving, lifting or bending can be affected by the pain and make it worse.
Natural support
To relieve your back pain, you can try heat treatments such as a hot water bottle or a warm bath. These promote blood circulation and relax the muscles. Stretching exercises, yoga or Pilates can also improve your flexibility and relieve tension. However, you should be careful here and never go beyond your pain threshold. Acupuncture and physiotherapy are other options to reduce pain and strengthen the back muscles. Ergonomic adjustments could include adjusting the height of your chair or, if possible, the height of the desk at your workplace.
These medicinal plants are in your back pain spray
St. John's wort
Hemp seed
Fence beet
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
Natural treatment for GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease
The causes of Heartburn can be very diverse and are often associated with impaired function of the sphincter muscle at the entrance to the stomach. This normally prevents the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. This backflow, also known as reflux, can be triggered by various factors. These include large meals, spicy or fatty foods, the consumption of alcohol, coffee or nicotine as well as hormonal changes. During pregnancy, heartburn occurs more frequently due to the growing uterus pressing on the stomach. In addition, hormonal fluctuations can affect the elasticity of the tissue. Stress can also promote the formation of stomach acid and impair the function of the digestive tract.
Heartburn is often accompanied by burning pain in the upper abdomen or behind the breastbone. This pain can often radiate into the oesophagus or throat. This can be accompanied by a feeling of pressure and sour or bitter belching.
Lifestyle adjustments for heartburn
Lifestyle adjustments in particular have proven to be very effective in relieving heartburn. These can include changes in your dietary habits such as reducing potential triggers like alcohol and nicotine. Stress reduction through relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga and regular outdoor exercise can also be effective.
These medicinal plants are in your heartburn spray
Wormwood herb
Bolus alba
Real chamomile
Nux vomica
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
Natural home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the bowel in which no organic or structural changes can be detected. Unfortunately, the exact causes are not yet fully understood, but lifestyle factors such as stress, irregular eating habits, lack of exercise and lack of sleep have an influence. Diet, especially the consumption of certain foods and drinks, as well as intestinal hypersensitivity can trigger or exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome.
The symptoms of the Irritable bowel syndrome can vary from person to person, but the most common include abdominal pain or cramps. Changes in bowel movements such as diarrhea or constipation, bloating and increased gas production are also common effects. You probably also often have the feeling that your stomach is bloated or that your bowels are not completely empty.
Natural tips
Your digestive health can be promoted by eating fiber-rich and fermented foods such as yogurt or sauerkraut. It has also been shown that peppermint or ginger tea can alleviate irritable bowel symptoms. Finally, home remedies such as fennel seeds or a mixture of honey and orange juice are also used by many people with irritable bowel syndrome. This is because they can help to reduce inflammation in the gut, which can lead to stomach pain and other effects. Even if these remedies do not provide sufficient relief for everyone, it is definitely worth giving them a try!
These medicinal plants are in your irritable bowel syndrome spray
Real chamomile
Goldenseal root
Nux vomica
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.
Natural help for anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders can actually be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors. A familial predisposition plays a role, as certain genetic traits can increase the risk of developing the disorder. Neurobiological studies have found that there is often a dysregulation of neurotransmitters in the brain. In particular, imbalances of serotonin, noradrenaline and GABA, which can lead to excessive activity of the amygdala, can have an influence. Traumatic events such as abuse or accidents can also trigger anxiety disorders. The consumption of substances such as alcohol and drugs can also increase anxiety symptoms. Combinations of factors are often present, while individual differences in susceptibility and resilience can also play a role.
Typical signs of an anxiety disorder, which you are probably familiar with, are excessive and often seemingly irrational worries. There are also usually persistent fears which, like the worries, are difficult to control. These stresses are often accompanied by a variety of physical symptoms, including palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, muscle tension and gastrointestinal complaints. You may also be accompanied by constant inner restlessness, nervousness and irritability. The emotional stress can also cause you to avoid anxiety-inducing situations in general. In the long term, this can of course lead to Restrictions in daily life lead to anxiety. Other symptoms of an anxiety disorder include sleep disorders, concentration problems and Panic attacks.
Natural tips
Natural tips for coping with or alleviating anxiety disorders include breathing exercises and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga or meditation. Your mood can also improve with regular physical activity. A balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, wholegrain products and plenty of water supports your general well-being. Herbal teas such as camomile, lavender or valerian can have a calming effect. Under no circumstances should you underestimate the importance of social support from friends, family or self-help groups. If you want to distract yourself, you can try activities that are pleasant for you, such as reading or listening to music.
These medicinal plants are in your anxiety disorder spray
Red foxglove
Wild jasmine
With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.