Working healthily: Natural tips against presenteeism
Sick at work - you know it's bad, but everyone has done it at some point. But when you get to work, you usually think to yourself: Why didn't I stay at home? What's more, on such days you are probably rather ineffective at work and then really sick the next few days. What you [...]
Reducing anxiety with natural remedies - your help in everyday life
Anxiety - everyone knows it, some are more and some less affected by it. A completely normal emotion that also has its evolutionary purpose. But what happens when anxiety takes over and dominates your everyday life? When everyday situations cause you enormous stress and you are restricted in what you can do? Then we hope that we [...]
Fight panic attacks naturally - help yourself and others
Everyone has probably heard of panic attacks. Maybe you've even experienced it yourself. If so, then you know that it's not a pleasant experience and you wouldn't wish it on anyone else. That's why we've collected the most important points about panic attacks and effective ways of dealing with them below. If this sounds interesting [...]
Overcoming fears of the future naturally: The present instead of the future
Corona, war and climate change. These are all events and developments that can cause people to fear and worry about the future. When these fears become commonplace and you can no longer get them out of your head, we talk about fear of the future. These can affect all areas of life and represent major restrictions. Many people fall into a downward spiral, [...]
Longevity - longevity. Natural tips to support you
In this day and age, more and more people are taking care of their health and their bodies. This naturally raises the question of what methods can be used to influence longevity. A healthy and long life - that sounds like a dream. In the following, we look at factors that can positively influence your longevity and [...]
Discover the magic of the Rauhnächte with natural rituals
From December 25 to January 6 is the mystical and mysterious time of the Rauhnächte. During these spiritual nights, predictions and forecasts are made about the future, which are carried over to the coming year. There are also many cleansing rituals to rid yourself and your surroundings of negative energies. This allows you to start the new year fresh [...]
ADHD - natural treatments for any age
In a time like ours, when the topics of mental health and mental illness are gaining more and more importance and recognition, disorders like ADHD are also coming more and more to the fore. The multifaceted symptoms of ADHD often lead to sufferers simply being labeled as too lazy or stupid, but largely they are not [...]
Sunstroke, heat exhaustion and co. - how to get through the heat well
Whether dizziness, headaches, flickering eyes, malaise, nausea or even fainting - heat causes circulatory problems for many people. Why high temperatures stress the body, what you can do against heat-related illnesses and how you can prevent them, you can find out here! Why do circulatory problems occur in the heat? Due to the high temperatures, sluggish air movement and humidity in the summer [...]
Lagom - the Swedish formula for happiness
Lagom: The Scandinavian feel-good trend We constantly ask ourselves how we can find happiness. Be it in a job, in love or in any other life situation. So the question remains: Is there a formula for happiness? The Swedes' answer is clear: Yes! The Swedish formula for happiness is "Lagom". This term means so [...]
Happy Pride Month!
June is Pride Month! That means colorful flags, parades as well as demonstrations and festive events in many cities around the world. For us, it's a cause for celebration. We all celebrate the diversity we discover both in ourselves and in our fellow human beings. However, it is also about drawing attention to social acceptance of the queer community [...]