Depression or depressive mood? Causes, symptoms and natural treatment methods

Woman in nature, trees with yellow leaves in the background, visibly dejected and depressed

Do you know the feeling when everything suddenly becomes too much for you? You feel tired, listless and somehow empty - things that usually give you pleasure leave you cold? Such phases are normal, but if they persist, it could be a depressive mood - a precursor to depression. The transition is often [...]

Making New Year's resolutions a reality

Man or woman in hoodie standing on the beach looking at the sea and raising their hands in the air with motivation

For many people, the start of a new year is a symbol of a fresh start, an opportunity to leave old habits behind and set new goals. New Year's resolutions are therefore not just a tradition, but an important step in personal development. They give us the opportunity to consciously reflect on our lifestyle and make changes [...].

Mental load: Recognize invisible load

Mental Load - female pink profile, head covered with post-it notes with different aspects of life

In the hectic everyday life of the 21st century, many people carry an invisible burden that is often overlooked or misunderstood: the so-called mental load. This term describes the mental responsibility that comes with organizing, planning and managing daily life. Unlike physical or visible work, mental load usually remains hidden, even though it [...]

Realignment: finding clarity and motivation

Looking back at the silhouette of a man in the abstract concrete interior with upward direction. Reorientation; looking forward

The turn of the year is a time of change that invites us to pause and look back like no other moment. It is an opportunity to celebrate the successes of the past year, learn from the challenges and consciously take stock. At the same time, the start of a new year is symbolic of fresh opportunities and new possibilities. This [...]

Natural ways out of the winter blues

Woman lying on a bed with a pillow over her head. SIBO SIFO

For many people, the dark and cold season not only changes the weather, but also their mood. The sun rarely makes an appearance, the days get shorter and the cozy hours spent indoors can quickly lead to loneliness. Do you know this feeling of tiredness, listlessness and a depressed mood? Then you are not alone! [...]

Learning to let go: a path to inner peace

Woman on the beach with arms in the air; freedom and letting go

In a hectic everyday life full of demands, tasks and expectations, many people long for inner peace and serenity. However, this desire is often blocked by stressful thoughts, worries and stuck feelings that prevent us from letting go. The process of letting go is increasingly recognized as a path to emotional freedom and an easier life. But what does "letting go" mean [...]

Understanding and overcoming fear

Anxiety is an unavoidable part of life, but it doesn't have to affect our daily well-being. It is an emotional response to perceived threats and can range from mild discomfort to intense panic. In this article, we look at what anxiety is, where it comes from, what symptoms it triggers and how best to deal with it [...].

Working healthily: Natural tips against presenteeism

Woman sitting on an armchair in front of her laptop, laughing

Sick at work - you know it's bad, but everyone has done it at some point. But when you get to work, you usually think to yourself: Why didn't I stay at home? What's more, on such days you are probably rather ineffective at work and then really sick the next few days. What you [...]

Reducing anxiety with natural remedies - your help in everyday life

Woman sitting in front of a lake/sea and looking into the distance

Anxiety - everyone knows it, some are more and some less affected by it. A completely normal emotion that also has its evolutionary purpose. But what happens when anxiety takes over and dominates your everyday life? When everyday situations cause you enormous stress and you are restricted in what you can do? Then we hope that we [...]

Fight panic attacks naturally - help yourself and others

Woman sits on a chair and calms herself down

Everyone has probably heard of panic attacks. Maybe you've even experienced it yourself. If so, then you know that it's not a pleasant experience and you wouldn't wish it on anyone else. That's why we've collected the most important points about panic attacks and effective ways of dealing with them below. If this sounds interesting [...]

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