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Werner Asche

Certified biologist and alternative practitioner

Who is Werner Asche?

General information

Werner Asche is a graduate biologist and alternative practitioner with his own practice in Hamburg. When asked about the focus of his work, there is often the following answer: "I help people to clean up their lives." It is about recognizing oneself and one's own patterns of action. Merely working on the symptoms does not usually bring about improvement - and if it does, then only in the short term. Experiences, separations, losses leave their traces, are filed away with stress and affect the here and now, although it is actually "yesterday's snow". The own body feeling (if it is not already "switched off") points to it, if one finds oneself again exactly in the same situation when thinking of the situation, although the happening often already lies years or decades back. Kinesiologically this can also be shown very well and thus checked. In the work (e.g. with innerwise) it is about "disconnecting" these "experiences" so that they no longer have an effect in today. This makes it possible to cope with upcoming challenges - without the ballast of the past. Mr. Asche also calls this work "emotional detoxification".

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