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Health Coach
Inflammations/ Body Mind Soul/ rheumatism

Strong together against rheumatism: causes, symptoms and treatment options

A Zimply Natural Webinar with Thorsten Schmitt

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Thorsten Schmitt

Health Coach

Do you want even more energy, mental clarity and long-term health? Thorsten Schmitt accompanies you on the path to your best self. He has been helping people to improve their health and performance in a targeted way for around 20 years. As a "scanner personality", he continues to develop his skills and combines the latest scientific findings with tried-and-tested methods. His main focus: - Epigenetics & longevity: learn how to specifically influence your genes and maintain your vitality. - Biohacking: Optimize sleep, stress levels and your mental performance with clever strategies. - Hormone & gut health: Understand the connections in your body and balance your systems. - Micronutrients & medicinal mushrooms: Fill specific nutrient gaps and increase your resistance naturally and effectively. Thorsten always keeps up to date with the latest developments by consulting modern and holistic doctors and therapists. He combines conventional medical and naturopathic approaches to develop individualized solutions that are just right for you. Your benefit: - More energy in everyday life thanks to a strategy tailored to you - Improved stress resistance through efficient relaxation techniques and sleep optimization - Sustainable health care with targeted measures for body and mind - Scientifically sound advice and practical tips that are easy to implement His mission: Thorsten wants to help people like you to reach their full potential - for more balance, joie de vivre and performance. Whether in personal coaching sessions, talks or seminars: He gets to the heart of complex topics and shows you in a practical way how you can make your everyday life healthier.

Let's talk: Strong together against rheumatism: causes, symptoms and treatment options

What is it about

Rheumatism is a collective term for more than 100 different diseases that affect muscles, tendons, ligaments and, above all, joints. The most common form is rheumatoid arthritis, but osteoarthritis, gout and systemic lupus erythematosus are also rheumatic diseases.

Typical symptoms of rheumatism are joint pain, swelling, stiffness, limited mobility and fatigue. These symptoms can develop gradually and worsen over time, which can significantly impair the quality of life of those affected.

The exact causes of rheumatism are often not fully understood, but a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors are likely to play a role. Women are more commonly affected than men, and the risk increases with age.

It is important that people with rheumatism follow a holistic treatment strategy that includes nutrition, stress management and coping with the condition. Early diagnosis and close collaboration with doctors and other healthcare providers can help prevent complications and improve quality of life.

Useful approaches for your everyday life

What you take with you

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Questions and answers about the webinar

For all those who want to take their health to a new level and are open to new impulses.
The webinar will last approximately 60 minutes. We try to time all of our webinars around this time frame.
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