Nina Bürklin with dark blond shoulder-length hair, smiling at the camera and wearing a white top.

Dr. Nina Bürklin

Therapist for meaning-centered psychotherapy (logotherapy), PhD in business administration, communication expert

Who is Dr. Nina Bürklin?

General information

Dr. Nina Bürklin has a great passion for combining the unusual. Her concern is to accompany people and organizations on the path to less stress and more meaning. As a doctor of business administration (focus: sustainability), she combines sense orientation with business and creativity. After working as a communications expert in Germany and abroad, she is currently the managing director of an organization that promotes mindfulness. At the Institute Wert & Sinn (Value & Meaning), which she founded, she offers meaning-centered psychotherapy and business coaching based on Viktor Frankl's logotherapy, especially in the areas of resilience, crisis management and personality development (

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Nina Bürklin with dark blond shoulder-length hair, smiling at the camera and wearing a white top.
October 19, 2023
Mental health, more than a mindset - About the interactions of body and mind What is it about The topic of mental health has also gained importance in the public eye - but it is still too often viewed in complete isolation, as...
Nina Bürklin with dark blond shoulder-length hair, smiling at the camera and wearing a white top.
September 8, 2023
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