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two women, who could be in the age of menopause, stand in front of an ice cream parlor and laugh

Your individual menopause blend

With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

The Menopausal symptoms are a time of hormonal change at the end of the fertile phase of a woman's life. The body goes through a phase of change and this is often clearly noticeable. Many women suffer from severe discomfort and are often limited in their activities and everyday life as a result. The most common symptoms in the phase of menopause include hot flashes, sweating, Sleep disorders, fatigue, mood swings and dry mucous membranes.

In the past, prescription hormones were often used to treat menopausal symptoms. However, studies show that the prolonged use of these drugs can cause a great deal of harm, which can be more serious than their benefits.

three women, who could be in the age of menopause, stand on the shore and look into the distance

There is no miracle cure for menopause, but a significant improvement in symptoms can be achieved through a healthy and conscious diet, plenty of exercise, sufficient sleep and relaxation.

For many women, this phase represents a great emotional and physical burden. However, menopause can also be seen as a new beginning, as the start of a new phase in life. An occasion to restructure everyday life and to opt for a more conscious lifestyle.

Healthy diet during menopause

Why adjust diet during menopause?

The female body changes from midlife onwards. Hormones settle at a low level, muscle mass decreases, bone density decreases and metabolism slows down. From menopause onwards, the body's energy requirements decrease and due to the slower metabolism, women gain weight more easily.

The end of the fertile phase of a woman's life can be psychologically very stressful; many feel run down and no longer as capable as before. In addition to the frustration about all these changes, there is also the fact that many women can no longer maintain their accustomed weight despite a consistent diet.

DO's & DON'Ts in menopause

The good news is that there are tricks to reduce the discomfort of menopause. A conscious and balanced diet can reduce physical and psychological symptoms and promotes overall well-being.

Due to the fact that the intestine can no longer absorb and process some nutrients so well, it is recommended to choose foods with a high nutrient density and relatively few calories. The female body needs more of certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially during menopause, in order to stimulate the slower metabolism again. A mindful diet also generally protects against age-related cardiovascular diseases and is therefore always recommended for women and men.

The mantra is: diverse and aware!


How should I eat during menopause to do something good for my body? So, it is recommended to build each meal from the following components, as they have a positive effect on the body.

a set table full of healthy food, it should embody a healthy diet
  • Vegetables and salads are allowed to land on the plate several times a day.
  • Carbohydrates in the form of whole grain products, brown rice, etc. keep you full for a long time and do not drive up blood sugar levels as much as white flour products.
  • Protein-rich foods, such as dairy products, legumes and fish, help build muscle and can supposedly tighten connective tissue.
  • High-quality fats, such as vegetable oils (olive oil, canola oil...) provide energy. Nuts, seeds and kernels are considered good fats and can refine the food.


What should I rather eat rarely during menopause to counteract weight gain? Refined carbohydrates or highly processed foods can aggravate some symptoms of menopause and cause discomfort to the body. Insomnia and hot flashes are among the symptoms that can be improved by avoiding the following foods:

A table full of chips, donuts and other unhealthy foods embodies an unhealthy diet
  • Fast food, ready meals
  • Fatty meat
  • Pastries, cakes, sweets
  • Chips and other fatty snacks
  • Sugary drinks
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

You can find more tips to support your menopause in here.

Strengthen yourself with calcium and vitamin D

What is the effect of estrogen deficiency?

The estrogen level decreases during menopause and thus its protective effect for the bones diminishes. Bone loss is delayed by estrogen, but if the hormone level drops, the risk of osteoporosis increases. Bone loss is a natural process and cannot be prevented, but it can be slowed down. Exercise can help the body slow down the degradation process. In addition, one can support the body with an increased intake of calcium and vitamin D.


Calcium strengthens the bones and is the most important component for bone tissue. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends consuming approximately 1,000 mg of calcium per day. You can meet this requirement with the following foods, for example: Dairy products (milk, hard cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese...), nuts (hazelnuts, almonds...), green vegetables (broccoli, lamb's lettuce, kale...), oatmeal and calcium-rich mineral water. Nuts and zinc also contain zinc and are therefore super foods for fat metabolism.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from food into the body. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and boosts our mood. There is rather little vitamin D in food. However, our skin can produce vitamin D itself through sun rays, which is why it is so important to be out in the fresh air, in the sun for a while every day. With age, the ability to form vitamin D through the skin decreases.

Decreasing calorie requirements during menopause

How does the metabolism work?

The metabolism processes all the ingested food and ensures that the entire body is supplied with energy. The metabolism can be divided into three parts. Fat metabolism, which splits fats and converts them to energy, as well as uses them to create hormones. The protein metabolism, which is responsible for the division of proteins into amino acids, which are then used, for example, to build muscles. As well as carbohydrate metabolism, which breaks down carbohydrates into glucose. If you consume more fats, proteins and carbohydrates in your diet than you actually need, these substances are stored as fat. In the long run, this excess of calories leads to overweight.

Hormones have a strong influence on how effectively the metabolism functions. Estrogen in particular has a major influence on metabolism. The falling hormone levels during menopause noticeably slow down the metabolism. The daily calorie requirement decreases, because less energy is burned. In addition, symptoms such as fatigue and headaches often occur.

Tips to boost metabolism during menopause

  1. Drink a large glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach to stimulate fat metabolism. Drinking enough is generally important for digestion. Plain water or unsweetened teas are best. If you drink enough water, you can also enjoy more radiant skin.
  2. Eat a diet rich in fiber to stimulate intestinal movement. Fiber keeps you full longer and strengthens the intestines, which in turn has a positive effect on the immune system.
  3. Take time to eat so that nutrients are processed through your metabolism.
  4. After a meal, a walk can stimulate the intestines to digest. Exercise builds muscle and burns calories. When you build muscles through exercise, these muscles in turn burn more energy and thus you can increase your basal metabolic rate of calories per day.
  5. Sufficient sleep is not only important for rest, but also for the metabolism. In the absence of sleep, the body slows down the metabolism, the body needs enough rest to stay fit and efficient.
Women who could be menopausal age standing arm in arm on shore

Basically, it should be emphasized that menopause is totally natural and proceeds individually for every woman. A lot of advice on this subject often sounds banal or too general. Every woman feels the menopause in a different way and must find the right way for herself. 

Take the time to listen to your body, pay attention to what signals it sends you and what is good for you in this moment.

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With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

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