Herbal treatment of irritable bowel - what medicinal plants are in our mixture?

Gastrointestinal tract

Irritable Bowel Blend With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, discomfort can be treated and sustainably relieved. Buy now for only 24,99€ What is irritable bowel syndrome? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder that affects the colon and can be very uncomfortable. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating and changes in bowel movements. Common causes [...]

Understanding of metabolism and its role in the body

Understanding of metabolism

Metabolism is a term that most people have heard of, but rarely do we take the time to really understand what it is and how it works. It is an incredibly complex process involving multiple organs and processes that all work together to keep our bodies running optimally [...]

Stimulate metabolism - what foods and medicinal plants help?

Healthy diet to stimulate the metabolism

Metabolism, the process by which organisms convert food into energy, is a fascinating biological mystery. To supply our bodies and brains with energy, the various cells obtain energy from a variety of foods we eat and from the oxygen in the air we breathe. On a larger scale, metabolism serves [...]

Treat burnout herbal

Zimply Natural Burnout Complex Mixture - the natural solution

Burnout syndrome is a pervasive problem in today's world. Burnout can occur when people are exposed to overwhelming stress, whether at work or in their personal lives. Burnout is caused by long periods of extreme stress, chronic overwork, and lack of control in the workplace. Telltale signs of burnout include physical exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, cynicism, or a [...]

Home remedies that help with irritable bowel syndrome

Home remedies that help with irritable bowel syndrome

Anyone who has struggled with digestive issues knows just how complicated healthy digestion can be. While it was once thought that our digestive system was a strong body system, we now know that gut health is much more complex and confusing than many think. However, before resorting to any synthetic remedies, you should have tried some home remedies. Irritable Bowel Blend [...]

A guide to recognizing and dealing with burnout

Woman with burnout

Burnout syndrome is a common problem for people of all ages, though it can be especially difficult for those who work in high stress environments. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress. It can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as [...]

Christmas stress - relaxed through the holidays with ZIMPLY NATURAL

Christmas gifts

For many people, the Christmas season means: Candle scent, mulled wine and shining children's eyes. Unfortunately, stress also always plays a major role. Christmas stress means: quickly shopping for a few gifts after work, planning the five-course Christmas menu and baking cookies in between. Your individual stress mixture With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and [...]

Sleep disorders during menopause

Woman with sleep disorder

Difficulty falling asleep, sweating, hot flashes or mood swings - more than two thirds of all affected women experience menopausal symptoms as a burden. The cause of these complaints is the decreasing activity of the ovaries. This is noticeable in both body and soul. At the latest when it comes to sleep disturbances in the climacteric, the phase of hormonal change becomes an ordeal. This is not surprising: [...]

Cold, flu or corona?


One minute you're fit as a fiddle and the next you feel tired and run down. A cold, cough, hoarseness... This can be a harmless cold or an actual flu. However, COVID-19 can also cause these symptoms. Common cold (flu-like infection) In a common cold, the upper parts of the respiratory tract are [...]

The gray season - how to prevent colds?

Keep your distance when you have a cold

Dripping nose, scratchy throat or unpleasant cough? The cold season is the peak season for colds and flu. If you want to prevent a cold, you can start at various points - a healthy diet, exercise and taking a sauna are just a few aspects to consider. A flu-like infection cannot always be prevented, but you can [...].