Sleep disorders during menopause

Woman with sleep disorder

Difficulty falling asleep, sweating, hot flashes or mood swings - more than two thirds of all affected women experience menopausal symptoms as a burden. The cause of these complaints is the decreasing activity of the ovaries. This is noticeable in both body and soul. At the latest when it comes to sleep disturbances in the climacteric, the phase of hormonal change becomes an ordeal. This is not surprising: [...]

Cold, flu or corona?


One minute you're fit as a fiddle and the next you feel tired and run down. A cold, cough, hoarseness... This can be a harmless cold or an actual flu. However, COVID-19 can also cause these symptoms. Common cold (flu-like infection) In a common cold, the upper parts of the respiratory tract are [...]

The gray season - how to prevent colds?

Keep your distance when you have a cold

Dripping nose, scratchy throat or unpleasant cough? The cold season is the peak season for colds and flu. If you want to prevent a cold, you can start at various points - a healthy diet, exercise and taking a sauna are just a few aspects to consider. A flu-like infection cannot always be prevented, but you can [...].

How the time change disturbs the sleep rhythm - and what helps

Woman holding yellow analog alarm clock in hand

Every six months in Germany, the clock is set forward or back one hour. Tomorrow morning (Sunday, October 30), the clocks will be set forward by one hour at 3 a.m. - that is, to 2 o'clock. Then, instead of Central European summer time, winter time will apply again, which is called the "normal" time. Even this small change can [...]

Palpitations during menopause - Useful tips for you!

A woman takes to her heart

Suddenly, the heart starts racing and there is an increased pulse rate. These are the classic symptoms that almost half of all menopausal women suffer from - also known as palpitations or heart palpitations. Doctors suspect that the reason for these typical menopausal symptoms is tremendous hormonal changes. In general, this condition can [...]

Individual Spagyric - Your key for more success in practice!

Small glass bottles on the table

Spagyric is one of the oldest pharmacological methods for the production of naturopathic medicines from natural substances, which still exists today. It goes back to the physician and pharmacist Paracelsus who lived and worked in the 17th century. Hahnemann's homeopathy is younger! It is believed that his basic ideas on homeopathy based on the knowledge of spagyric [...]

How to diagnose these 5 mineral deficiencies

Brown powder on wooden spoon arranged in a circle

Mineral deficiencies are more widespread than you might think. When minerals are lacking, chronic diseases can develop as a result. Mineral deficiencies can also aggravate existing ailments or prevent them from healing. A good supply of minerals is therefore an important aspect of any holistic therapy and prevention. However, the blood count is in some cases not the right approach to identify a deficiency supply [...].

Learn autogenic training: 8 simple exercises

Boy with black cap sits on a rock above the clouds and enjoys the view

Autogenic training: More and more people are suffering from sleep problems. While 52.5 percent said they had no problems with their sleep in a survey conducted by the DAK in 2009, the figure had dropped to 21.1 percent by 2016. In 2016, around one-third of respondents said they suffered from sleep problems not only from time to time, but particularly frequently. [...]

How To Detox: How to detoxify your body

A glass barrel with lemon water in which lemon slices float, in front of it are two glasses with handles filled with lemon water and lemon slices, on a wooden pedestal, in the foreground are two half lemons

Every day we are exposed to various negative environmental influences and pollutants that can thus burden the body. These include, for example, heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead, chemicals from cosmetic products or industrial cleaning agents, pesticides or bisphenol-A in plastic. What can you do to efficiently rid the body of such toxins? The answer is: Detox! Everything to [...]

These 5 valuable wild plants you can collect in autumn & use for yourself

Woman holding glans between thumb and index finger

There is almost nothing better in autumn than wrapping up warmly, strolling through the colorful streets, enjoying the autumn air and rustling your feet through the leaves. During a long autumn walk you can finally relax and let go of stress. There are some edible wild plants outside, [...]