Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM woman at medicine cabinet

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Healing Art in the Far East Traditional Chinese Medicine as a holistic medicine is gaining more and more interest and reputation worldwide. TCM took its origin in China about 2000 years ago. The aim of TCM is to maintain or restore inner balance. What is TCM? TCM is based on different philosophical doctrines, which in turn [...]

Nosode therapy: The homeopathic vaccination

Bacterium close-up - Bacterial nosodes - Nosode therapy

Naturally healthy with nosodes "Homeopathy" - this term is probably familiar to most people nowadays, because in recent years this form of alternative medical treatment gained more and more importance. The term nosodes will probably still be unknown to many, but the therapy form of nosode therapy is becoming more and more popular. Especially when conventional medicine reaches its limits [...]

The concept of Bach flowers

Pipette bottles with label and inscription of the respective Bach flowers, between them is a thistle bush

Bach flowers: More than just pretty to look at Bach flowers are pretty to look at, but there is much more to them. 37 plant essences and a spring water can be administered either individually or as a mixture. They are mainly used to bring a mental imbalance back into balance. Whether anxiety, stress or inner turmoil: The Bach flowers can be used for many [...]

What are Schuessler salts?

two views of Schüssler salts in tablet form, left next to a flower, right in a mortar

Schuessler salts: Mineral salts of our body Schüßler salts, Bach flowers, phytotherapy. These are only a few forms of therapy of naturopathy. Mostly it is not so easy to recognize the differences, especially for the layman. Schuessler salts are very suitable to influence body, mind and soul positively in a natural way. "My healing [...]

Welcome to our ZIMPLYfy-BLOG!

space shuttle launches rocket explosion launch

The mission of Zimply Natural: Individual natural medicine Welcome to our new ZIMPLYfy-BLOG! My name is Dr. Markus Kick and I am the founder and CEO of Zimply Natural. I am very excited to write the first post on our new BLOG today. I would like to use my first post to introduce you to the Zimply Natural approach, our [...]