Christiane de Jong
Lecturer and alternative practitioner
Digestive hero: The importance of eating right for good digestion
What is it about
The gut and digestion are the gateway to health. Wisdom from healers of the past points this out across all eras and cultures, such as "All diseases begin in the gut"; Hippocrates.
Our modern lifestyle and our eating decisions - how and what we eat - have a huge impact on the health of the digestive tract and its trillions of inhabitants, the microbiome, and therefore also on our well-being. Knowledge about the gut has literally exploded in recent years/decades and new "WOW" findings are constantly being added. The lives of our ancestors did not challenge the health of the gut in the same way, except in times of need and in "big houses", as today's world does with its apparent achievements.
However, we can and should contribute to the stability and/or health of the gastrointestinal tract in order to be able to meet the challenges of the present day. The majority of the immune system is located in the gut.
In this seminar, I will introduce you to the digestive tract, what it loves, what harms it and what "digestion-friendly food" could/should look like. "You are not what you eat, but what you digest".
Useful approaches for your everyday life
What you take with you
- You will receive a medicinal plant recipe to support you
- You learn why a healthy gut is important
- You will learn how you can boost and support your digestion
- You get an overview of digestion-friendly food