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Woman examines her rash on her arm

Many people have certainly had chickenpox as a child. But what many people do not know is that the associated pathogens can break out again later in life. This then often takes the form of shingles. This is a disease that can often be very painful for those affected and is also difficult to treat. In this blog post we will provide you with some tips and natural remedies for the treatment of shingles.

With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

What exactly is shingles?

Why are you actually so at risk of shingles if you had chickenpox in childhood? Well, the chickenpox infection happens through the mucous membranes and the symptoms are rashes and fever. After this initial infection, the body can fight the viruses well and keep them in check, but it can't destroy them completely. The remaining varicella-zoster viruses then remain primarily in the spinal cord and brain. In certain circumstances, such as a weakened Immunesystem, age or by factors such as Anti-Stress or disease, these viruses may be reactivated. In this case, they migrate along the nerve pathways to the skin cells. Along these pathways, skin rashes can occur, which can also take on ring-shaped forms. Hence the name "shingles".

Did you know ...

that people who have never had chickenpox and come into direct contact with shingles patients could become infected with the virus and develop chickenpox.

These are the typical symptoms of shingles


The rashes are without question one of the most painful symptoms of shingles. Approximately three days after the onset of the disease, vesicles appear on the reddened skin. These are filled with fluid that is either clear or cloudy and often appear in clusters. They typically extend along a nerve, forming their usual band-like pattern. Before the vesicles appear, sufferers often experience insistent pain or burning in the affected area. As the condition progresses, the blisters burst, resulting in the release of clear fluids. Pus and blood may also be released. A crust then forms on these areas of the skin, which may be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin after healing.

Burning and pain

Maybe you've experienced shingles before or are doing so right now. The pain, burning and itching are incredibly annoying and exhausting. The pain often starts before the rash appears. It is usually confined to one area of the skin and manifests as stabbing, pulling and also burning. This pain can be bearable, but it can also be so intense that even wearing clothes becomes torture. The burning sensation often manifests itself as a persistent feeling of heat on the skin and is usually caused by irritation of the nerves. Depending on whether the disease was discovered early or in an advanced stage, shingles can last for days, weeks or months.

Accompanying symptoms

Symptoms that are not main signs, but are nevertheless important, we also want to mention here. Like chickenpox, these include fever and the associated tearing of limbs and muscle weakness. As if that is not enough, it can be accompanied by an oppressive headache. One thing that can also limit you a lot is skin hypersensitivity. It is best to put patches or something similar on the rashes in the early stages. Firstly so that they are protected and not much can get to them, secondly to reduce the risk of infection. A symptom that occurs rather rarely, but can become dangerous, is paralysis. These are actually a consequence of the muscle weakness, because this can lead to movement restrictions in the face, arms or legs.

Did you know ...

that it could be that people who suffer from shingles have a slightly increased risk of strokes? However, this still needs to be researched further.

Posttherpetic neuralgia and other complications

Postherpetic neuralgia, or PHN, is without question the most painful long-term consequence of shingles. It's effectively the nerve pain you had throughout the disease, only worse and longer. The pain is often chronic, can even last for years, and occurs mainly in the areas of shingles. For this disease to be diagnosed, symptoms must last for at least 3 months. Risk factors include age (the older, the more likely), the severity of previous shingles disease, and other health problems. Another complication can be scars that may remain from scratched blisters or the rash. Depending on where the shingles occurs, problems may also occur there. If the rash occurs on the eye, it can cause vision problems due to retinal problems or conjunctivitis and corneal inflammation. On the ear, hearing loss can also occur in some cases and may be permanent. In severe cases, the lungs, brain or liver may also be affected.

Diagnosis of shingles and why it is so important

doctor makes a smear of shingles rash with cotton swab

If you go to your doctor with the suspicion of shingles, he or she will first talk to you about your symptoms. If you have already developed skin rashes and blisters, the doctor will examine them. It is also very informative if the rash runs along a line or a nerve path. The pain you feel is also important. These often occur before the rashes and are characterized by a concentration in one area. The amplitude can include mild burning to intense painful discomfort. These rashes and the pain are usually enough for a definitive diagnosis. If your doctor is still unsure, he will take swabs of the vesicles of your rash. This way, he can detect the presence of the varicella zoster virus and suggest an appropriate treatment. Early diagnosis is essential in order to avoid worse courses and to keep the effects relatively low.

spray bottle Zimply Natural is sprayed into mouth woman presses on pump sprayer against black background
Easy application by spraying into the mouth

The application of your Shingles sprays is, by the way, very simple: The spray is simply sprayed into the mouth according to the dosage instructions given on the vial. In order to achieve the best possible effect and to be able to optimally counteract the causes, we recommend use over a longer period of six to eight weeks. As a kind of cure, you spray 3×3 sprays daily.

Everyday tips for shingles and natural ways of treatment

Besides a healthy diet, plenty of rest and sleep, and loose clothing, there are also natural tips that may help you. To suppress the itching and burning sensation, it can help to put cooling compresses on the affected area. These can be wet towels or wrapped cold packs. The main thing is that you don't leave it on for too long to avoid hypothermia. What can also help you against this discomfort is an oatmeal bath. To do this, simply pour a cup of oatmeal into your bath water or put the flakes in a cotton sock, tie it in a knot and place it in the tub. The ingredients in oatmeal can be anti-inflammatory and relieve itching. Herbal teas have a soothing effect and are often said to heal the condition from the inside out. Especially teas with chamomile or calendula can work wonders.

Natural protection against shingles

In general, stress and a strong immune system play a very important role in the risk of shingles. What you should also consider in any case is the protection when coming into contact with people who have shingles. You should avoid direct skin contact altogether, because the virus can be transmitted through the blisters on the skin. Also, people who have never had chickenpox can become infected with chickenpox through contact with a shingles patient. So make sure that you always wash your hands well after contact. Before that, you should never touch your mouth, nose or eyes with your hands. You should also know that people who have HIV or cancer have an increased risk of shingles.

Did you know ...

that a shingles outbreak, the risk of a later Herpes simplex infection not increased, although both viruses are related and remain in the body.

These medicinal plants can help you relieve the symptoms of shingles

Already since ancient times the Cistus a good reputation as a medicinal plant for skin diseases. Especially the resin of the plant, called labdanum, has therefore secured a firm place in the cosmetics industry. Laboratory tests have shown that this resin successfully fights fungi and bacteria and thus supports the healing of the skin. At the same time, preparations with labdanum relieve the itching of skin inflammation and promote tissue regeneration.

Bryonia is immunostimulating. It stimulates the body's own immune system to better fight infections. The duration of the infection is shortened and the course is weakened.

Herpes can appear as cold sores, chicken pox, shingles or similar. All herpes viruses like to stay in the body and come out when the immune system is weak. The Swallowwort helps to reduce the amount of herpes viruses and thus relieves the body and its immune system.

An overstimulated sympathetic nervous system also always means an activated stress hormone cascade of the adrenal cortex. The adrenal gland secretes adrenaline and cortisol. The adrenaline makes us nervous and ready to conduct. The cortisol inhibits inflammation, raises blood sugar levels so we have energy, and inhibits the immune system. As a result, we are more susceptible to infections and get sick more easily. Kava-Kava calms the nervous system and subsequently the adrenal glands. Cortisol decreases and our immune system can do its work freely again.

Due to its calming and nurturing effect on nerves is St. John's wort always worth a try for skin problems such as rashes or acne. However, one should definitely think about it in the case of neurodermatitis. As the name suggests, the nerve metabolism and stress play a major role in neurodermatitis. Exactly the field of application of St. John's wort! St. John's wort promotes the formation of anti-inflammatory vitamin D in the skin and has a positive effect on your body's stress system.

There is a whole range of skin diseases that are accompanied by blistering and pain. For example, there are infections with herpes viruses in the context of a herpes simplex infection or shingles. In this case, nerve branches are inflamed by herpes viruses. This makes a classic. Vesicular rash with sometimes severe nerve pain. Rhus toxicodendron inhibits the inflammation here and calms the irritated nerves, so that the pain is reduced. In addition, this reduces the rash with the strong itching, which makes it much more pleasant for the affected person.

The herpes viruses are among the most common viral infections. Many tend to lie dormant in the body. Since the Mugwort antimicrobial, it acts against the viruses, reducing their population and helping the immune system to overcome and contain the infection. These include cold sores as well as shingles or the human papilloma virus, which is associated with the development of cervical cancer.

An important property of lemon balm is that it has antiviral activity. Especially the different types of herpes viruses show in the laboratory and in practice sensitive to treatment with Melissa. For example, lemon balm is successfully used for cold sores. But also in the treatment of shingles, you should think of lemon balm oil. On the one hand it is extremely skin caring, on the other hand it kills herpes viruses. As a result, the inflammation and the (nerve) pain decrease and the wound of shingles can heal quickly.

Zimply Natural: Your natural booster for shingles

With Zimply Natural, we are the antidote to painkillers, sleeping pills, and standard medications. We are your medicine! For our mixtures we use the centuries-old natural healing method of spagyric back. The Spagyric combines the herbal active ingredients and phytotherapeutic elements of the HealingplantsThe mineral salt qualities, as well as the subtle information of the medicinal plants and the energetic potential of the Bach flowers.

With natural methods, such as the individual spagyric mixtures from Zimply Natural, your complaints can be relieved naturally and sustainably.

FAQ: Questions and answers about shingles

Can shingles only occur in certain places?

No, shingles can develop anywhere on your body. However, some areas are affected more often than others. The most common form occurs in the chest area and sometimes stretches across the upper body like a belt. Cervical shingles occurs in the neck and shoulders, while lumbar shingles is found in the lower back. Facial shingles develops mainly near the eyes and ears, which can be dangerous. One type that can also lead to serious complications is ophthalmic shingles. This affects the eye and can have an impact on vision. Shingles can also develop in the genital area, but this type is rare.

What other diseases are there that have similar symptoms to shingles?

You have a rash, pain and itching and wonder if it is shingles or something else? You should see a doctor for an exact diagnosis, but we can at least list similar conditions. Dermatitis is a skin disease that can cause blistering, redness and itching. However, this disease is not caused by viruses, but by allergens or certain substances. This is also how contact dermatitis works, here you come into direct contact with the substance and then react to it.

Can people who have never had chickenpox get shingles?

No, people without chickenpox cannot get shingles, which does not mean that they are immune to it. People who have never had chickenpox can become infected with chickenpox through contact with someone who has shingles. This means that they may also develop shingles at some point. Caution and effective hygiene are therefore important when coming into contact with infected people.

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With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

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