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Tips for less stress during the Christmas season

Your individual stress mix

With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

Christmas is one of the most beautiful times of the year, but Christmas is also the time when many once again really Anti-Stress have. You try to make the perfect Christmas for your loved ones and many forget about their own well-being. Christmas is also the time for rest and relaxation, but if we are honest, we all do not have that. We have picked out a few tips for you, so that you have a little less stress at Christmas and can enjoy the time with your family better.

Our tips for less stress

1. conscious time for you

Take time out from all the baking, shopping, gift planning and decorating. Make sure you don't take on too much and also have time for yourself.

2. ask for help

Ask your family or friends if they can help you with all the Christmas preparations so you can all have a great Christmas together. Don't be afraid to show weakness, on the contrary, asking for help is a great sign of strength.

3. plan early

Make sure that you think about the gifts of your loved ones early enough, and do not get them at the last minute. Especially in this day and age of e-commerce, your gifts may not arrive on time.

4. less cooking

You too deserve to relax a little on the Christmas holidays and not have to stand in the kitchen all day. Agree that everyone can bring one thing, and so you have a great Christmas buffet and no one had to worry about the food alone.

5. to-do list

Before you start with all the Christmas preparations, write yourself a to-do list, with a clearly structured plan. It's best not to deviate from your list, because that way you get all the things done that are important and you still have a little time for yourself.

Definition of stress

At Anti-Stress the body is in a state of alert, which is triggered by a situation that the individual perceives as unmanageable. This is triggered by stressors, i.e. stimuli that can cause stress. A distinction is made between external and internal stressors. External stressors are stressors coming from outside, such as stress at work or influential events like arguments with friends. Internal stressors include negative self-talk or certain personality traits such as perfectionism. The stressors can be physical (e.g., cold, flickering lights) or psychological (e.g., deadline pressure, excessive demands at school or work).

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With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

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