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Woman lying in bed and sleeping

Your individual sleep blend

With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

A new day begins, sunbeams shine through our window and birds peacefully chirp their song outside. Only we can hardly open our eyes - far too little sleep!

To avoid this problem, we need to identify our troublemakers so that we can remove them from our daily lives and our bedrooms.
In this blog post, you'll find five reasons why you should be under Insomnia could suffer.

Reasons why you probably sleep badly

1. smartphone

Woman lying in bed at night looking at her smartphone

The smartphone - our constant companion. And by constant, we really mean until deep into the night. 

The lights from electronic devices like tablets and smartphones completely unbalance our bodies. Even if we are not aware of the blue light, it affects our pineal gland and we deprive ourselves of sleep. If we then receive an important message or watch an exciting video, the release of the stress hormone cortisol is also stimulated and the tiredness is gone.

2. stress or quarrel

Woman sitting stressed in front of her laptop

During the day much Anti-Stressor an argument late into the night - in the evening the carousel of thoughts turns.

There's no question that stress makes it hard for us to relax. However, there are things we can do about it: How about anti-stress exercises? With meditation, autogenic training and yoga, we create more balance - and fall asleep faster at night.

3. caffeine, nicotine and alcohol

Ashtray with some cigarette butts in it

It's common knowledge that coffee makes us feel frisky and is therefore not a good idea late at night. The last cup of coffee should be drunk at least four hours before bedtime - just like the last glass of cola or the last cup of black tea.

Other stimulating substances also deprive us of sleep, such as nicotine or alcohol. If you stop smoking, it will be easier for you to rest at night after a while.

4. noise and light

Woman can not sleep and watches TV

Our sleep is also strongly influenced by our environment. 

If we don't feel comfortable in a room, we can't sleep as well at night. Noise, light and temperature all have an impact on our night's rest. That's why you should banish all unnecessary light sources from your room and darken it with shutters. Also make sure to always turn off the TV at night.

5. too much or hearty food

couple eats a pizza together in bed

Eating too late or too hearty affects sleep. 

The reason for this is, on the one hand, that particularly fatty and spicy foods burden the stomach and are difficult to digest. On the other hand, there is also the possibility that a so-called reflux (Heartburn) occurs when you go to bed immediately after eating a large portion. However, it is also not advisable to go to bed with a growling stomach. To fall asleep well and still satisfy hunger, a small, light, protein-rich snack before bed is suitable.

If you have trouble falling asleep, can't sleep through the night, or generally don't get enough sleep, you should actively address your sleep problem. The effects of sleep deprivation interfere with everyday life and can also lead to serious health problems.

Have you ever thought of tackling your insomnia the natural way? 

Zimply Natural offers you a simple and individual approach to natural medicine. Do you want to fall asleep gently, sleep naturally through the night and wake up refreshed? You can create your own sleep blend in just 3 minutes. Try it out!

Discover our recipes

With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

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